How much does it cost to have your wisdom teeth removed? We would like to make the cost of seeing us as transparent as possible for consultations and standard procedures such as surgical extractions and removal of wisdom teeth.

For more complex procedures, such as orthognathic surgery or implant and reconstructive procedures, it is not possible to provide an accurate quote without an examination. However a price guide is detailed below. We will provide a full and detailed quote at the end of a consultation appointment. Please contact our staff if you require any more information.


+ What is the fee for a consultation?

The fee for a consultation is $180. If you are eligible for Medicare and have a current referral from your doctor or dentist, you will receive a rebate of $81.30 (Item number 104) which will be processed on the day of your appointment.

+ How much does it cost to have wisdom teeth removed?

There may be a number of costs involved in wisdom teeth surgery. At Focus Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, we would like to make these costs as transparent as possible, and therefore we have a set fee for the removal of wisdom teeth, no matter how complex they are.


The cost of your procedure depends on the number of teeth that require removal. Our fee for removal of all 4 wisdom teeth is $2450 no matter how complex they are. If you have private health insurance, then you may receive a rebate from your health fund. We are able to provide the ADA item numbers so that you can contact your health fund to determine the rebate prior to your procedure.


Sometimes removal of less difficult wisdom teeth can be performed under a local anaesthetic (numbing injections). If you are nervous about your procedure, then we can organise for you to have IV sedation, or a general anaesthetic. This is delivered by a highly trained anaesthetic specialist, and you will receive a rebate from Medicare. Please contact our office to find out about this cost – it is more affordable than you may think.


If your procedure needs to be performed in a private hospital, then your private health insurance will cover the cost of your hospital admission (the excess payable is determined by your health fund). If you do not have insurance, then the hospital will charge you a fee for the use of their facilities. This fee is set by the hospital, varies between locations, and changes each year. Please contact us for more detailed information regarding hospital fees.

+ Does Medicare cover my dental surgery?

Medicare is a government funded health insurance program that covers the cost of medical treatment, but not dental treatment. Therefore procedures such as dental extractions or removal of wisdom teeth will usually come with an out-of-pocket expense.

+ What part of my treatment does Medicare cover?

Our specialist consultation fee will be eligible for a Medicare rebate if you have a current referral from your dentist or doctor. Medicare will also provide a partial rebate for your anaesthetic fee if you are receiving IV sedation or a general anaesthetic. There are a range of non-dental procedures that Medicare will partially cover, including – removal of jaw cysts/tumours, bone grafting, sinus lift surgery, and biopsy of oral lesions.

+ What can I claim from private health insurance?

There are 2 types of private health insurance – Hospital, and Extras. Your Extras insurance provides you with a rebate on the cost of various dental procedures, including removal of wisdom teeth. When a procedure is performed in a private hospital, your hospital insurance covers some of the cost of the operating theatre, surgery and anaesthesia. There may be still be a gap payment required for your procedure. One of our staff can help you to work out the exact out-of-pocket cost.

+ What other costs are there for my treatment?

In addition to the surgical fees for your wisdom teeth, dental extraction or orthognathic surgery, there will be additional fees for an anaesthetist if you have your treatment under IV sedation or general anaesthetic. If you have treatment under general anaesthetic, and do not have private health insurance, then you will need to pay a day stay fee to the hospital. This fee is set by the hospital, and varies between different locations.

+ How much does a dental implant cost?

For the surgical component of a dental implant, the fee will range from $2900 for a straightforward implant, to $4000 for a complex implant, such as one that requires extensive bone grafting or a sinus augmentation. Your restorative dentist will be able to provide you a quotation for the restorative component of the implant. Depending on your level of cover you may receive a rebate from your private health insurer. Some procedures that are performed in a hospital under a general anaesthetic may also be partially covered by Medicare.

+ How much does orthognathic surgery cost?

Orthognathic surgery (surgical jaw repositioning) is a complex procedure that can involve surgery to one or both jaws. Depending on the complexity of an individual case, you may expect the surgical portion of your procedure (not including hospital or anaesthetic fees) to cost between $5000 to $10500.